10th August 1995 - 10th March 2000

Owned and loved by Debbie Morgan

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"Simply the Best"

All Bernese puppies are cute, but at eight weeks old, when he joined our family, Disley was absolutely adorable.
[Disley] Disley was introduced to carting at the "First Draught" in June 1996. He started off with the training wheels but quickly moved on to pulling a cart. He loved it. His tail wagged like mad the entire time and you could almost imagine a wide grin on his face. I purchased a cart and my father made a wonderful job of restoring it and making a set of shafts. Wendy made a harness and I began to collect Swiss paraphernalia. Disley loved all the attention and being able to show off in the ring at Steam Rallies with the Midland Bernese Carters. As well as the Swiss theme we have also decorated the cart in a number of different ways. Disley of course had to be kitted out to go with the theme on the cart. He has been Rudolph for several Christmas displays and last year he was Eeyore to go with my daughter Sarah as Christopher Robin, and the cart as the Hundred Acre Wood.
We had great fun making his tail look as though it was held on with a (pretend) drawing pin. No mean feat when it's continually wagging!

At the Working day in October 1998 Disley passed the Beginners Carting Course coming first in his class. Phill Green was judging and wrote "A really nice round with Disley who has come on well, looking very relaxed and happy" At the Garden Party in 1999 he gained his second pass and thus the Beginners Carting Certificate. Also at this event we received the Cup for the best decorated cart on the Swiss theme. In June 1999 at the Central Club Fun Day Disley passed the Carting Course at Intermediate level for the first time, this being despite the distraction of our young pup, Dudley.
We have had some wonderful holidays together. Disley loved walking in the Lake District and climbing mountains in Wales. On the beach he would lie under the parasol or paddle in the sea. We tried to get him to swim once but he scrambled into the dinghy with us instead!. [Debbie,Disley,Dudley,Sarah]

As a PAT dog Disley has enriched the lives of many people. At our local old folk's home, where many of the residents have had to leave their dogs behind, he was always received with great joy. He certainly enjoyed all the fuss and attention whilst at the same time keeping an ear out for the rattle of the tea trolley, which heralded the arrival of the biscuits! He has visited several schools both with and without his cart. The children always adored him.

In 1998 Disley took part in a PAT dog parade at Crufts, an event made memorable by the fact that he was so desperate to get out of the ring at the end to relieve himself that he nearly sent a television camera flying!!!! The following year he again paraded as a PAT dog but also represented the breed in Discover Dogs, where he obviously felt himself to be superior to the two bitches there, as he spent most of his time on the raised bench looking very regal.

In January of this year, Disley began to look a little off-colour. He struggled round the swimming pool and then went off his food, an unheard of event and therefore a sure sign that something was seriously wrong. Eventually, after a number of tests and worsening of his condition he was diagnosed as having "autoimmune haemolytic anaemia" and was put on steroids. It was hoped that these would effect a cure, but unfortunately after six weeks of treatment he had not responded and was so poorly that we made the difficult decision to have him put to sleep. His ashes are buried in a spot in the garden where he liked to lie.

Disley was a kind and gentle dog and we feel cheated that he only lived for four and a half years. We have many fond memories of him and he will be forever in our hearts. He has brought joy to the lives of many, but most of all to us, his family. We have been so proud of him on the many occasions when he has won "most handsome dog" or "waggiest tail" and have watched him enjoy his "biscuit catching" and attempts at obedience. Our home is a much emptier place without him. He has won many rosettes and trophies and we have numerous brass plaques representing all the steam rallies and galas at which he has taken part in carting displays.

Disley has also been one of the dogs and cats who joined the congregation at Leicester Cathedral during a special service of thanksgiving for the animal kingdom and the work of the RSPCA. The hymns included All Things Bright and Beautiful and All Creatures of Our God and King. Along with other dogs, Disley received a blessing from the priest. We feel blessed to have known our darling Disley for his short but precious life. We miss him greatly.


10th August 1995 - 10th March 2000



Debbie, David, Tom and Sarah Morgan

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